The State of Value in U.S. Health Care
Bringing Value into Focus
Value is a buzzword in health care, but what does it really mean? How important is it? And who is ultimately responsible for providing it?
University of Utah Health partnered with Leavitt Partners to try to answer these important questions. We conducted a nationwide survey to find out what three key audiences—consumers, providers, and employers—think about the component parts of value: quality, service, and cost.
With this data, we’re gaining insight into how these different audiences perceive, rank, and take responsibility for the different aspects of value. We’ve compared how they’re aligned and where they’re disconnected and what this tells us about value in US health care.
What we do know is that value does not happen by accident, and good intentions are not enough. University of Utah Health has been on a decade-long journey to develop a culture where delivering patient-centered value is a major focus for everyone in the organization.
We’ve discovered the three key ingredients to this cultural transformation have been listening, leading, and learning—and our data challenges how we think about, address, and improve value (hint: it’s more than money).
Take the survey and see how you compare with others who take the survey online.
Utah Value Forum
The Utah Value Forum brought together stakeholders in the community to hear from patients, physicians, and employers about how to achieve the highest quality care and a better patient experience at an affordable cost.. These are the people who directly receive, provide or pay for health care and their voices are vital.
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