Traci Thompson, MS, CSCS, ACSM HFD is an Assistant Professor of Health, Kinesiology and Recreation and Nutrition and Integrative Physiology at the University of Utah. She is a Certified Health Fitness Director (HFD) and Certified Cancer Exercise Trainer through the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). She has been the Director of PEAK Health and Fitness since 2001. PEAK is a partnership between the College of Health and the Office of Wellness and Integrative Health at the University of Utah. PEAK's core responsibility is to provide practical training and education for undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Health. PEAK offers a variety of workshops and seminars, health assessment and fitness testing, nutrition services, continuing education opportunities, and our popular employee fitness classes. These types of opportunities foster the development of knowledge, skills, and abilities for the students and provide professional level health, fitness and wellness services to the University and Community members. Under Ms. Thompson’s direction, PEAK won the 2014 Beacon of Excellence Award in recognition of the transformational experiences our clinic provides for students. I was honored to be selected as a Fellow in the Academy of Health Science Educators in April 2015 in recognition of outstanding accomplishment in health science education.