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Lindsay J Collin, PhD, MPH

Lindsay J Collin, PhD, MPH

  • About Me

    I am a molecular and cancer epidemiologist interested in understanding multilevel determinants of adverse outcomes among individuals diagnosed with breast, ovarian, or melanoma cancer. I am also interested in epidemiologic methods, specifically related to validation substudy design, quantitative bias analysis, and the use of Bayesian statistics to answer epidemiologic questions. My research in the Doherty lab includes 1) the evaluation of the contribution of comorbidities and tumor immune biomarkers to racial and ethnic disparities in ovarian cancer outcomes using the KPNC study, 2) understanding risk and timing of ovarian cancer recurrence, and gene expression signatures associated with ovarian cancer recurrence using resources available through the UPDB, and 3) understanding multilevel predictors of melanoma recurrence and mortality in Utah.


    PhD, Emory University, Epidemiology
    MPH, Emory University, Global Epidemiology
    BSc, University of British Columbia, Biochemistry & Spanish

    Personal Interests:

    Frolicking in the mountains, puppies (especially Nadia), reading