CMI’s Bench to Bedside Kicks Off 2024-2025 Program, Highlights Success of Former Participants, Now Global Telehealth Company
It can be hard to see the future. When Brandon Welch and Dylan Turner joined the Bench to Bedside competition in 2013 as students at the University of Utah, they had no idea how far it’d take them.
What started as a student project with a straightforward objective – a secure video call with your doctor – is now one of the largest telehealth platforms in the world, offering digital doctor’s visits in over 180 countries around the globe. This message of unlimited potential was at the center of Tuesday night’s Kickoff Event for the Center for Medical Innovation’s Bench to Bedside Competition.
Over 200 students and program mentors gathered at the University of Utah’s Robert H. and Katharine B. Garff Executive Education Building on Tuesday September 10th, 2024, to learn more about the Bench to Bedside Program, network with fellow students, and hear from previous participants and mentors about what to expect throughout the program.
A short inspirational video featuring an interview with Turner and Welch highlighted their experiences and the impact of the Bench to Bedside Competition on their entrepreneurial journey. Following the video, Turner spoke briefly about the impact B2B had on the early foundations of and answered questions from students.
Now starting its fifteenth year, the CMI’s Bench to Bedside (B2B) Program has brought together students to form over 375 teams, launch 120 companies, and file 230+ patents. Over the course of the academic year, students from all majors and areas of study at universities throughout Utah are encouraged to form multidisciplinary teams while working together to develop innovative, next-generation technologies to solve problems currently facing health care professionals.