Biorepository Services
LabVantage Tracking System
The Biorepository uses the LabVantage software to track all biospecimen activities from the patient consent to distribution. The Biorepository accreditation from the College of American Pathologists (CAP) ensures quality biospecimens by implementing and monitoring best practices thus improving research outcomes. The LabVantage system links to important clinical and pathological databases:
- Comprehensive Oncology Research Environment (CORE)
- Enterprise Data Warehouse (clinical records link; pathology, medicine and radiology)
- Oncology and Tumor Registry (cancer stage, outcomes, vital statistics)
- Cancer Clinical Research-CCR (subject registry, cohort studies, medical events, clinical pathology)
- Utah Population Database (genealogy, birth and death certificates)
- Genomex (molecular data)
Project Registration
This required registration reserves biospecimens for specific projects as defined by the investigator or disease group. The Biorepository manages these registrations using the LabVantage tracking system and JIRA intake system.
HCI Centralized Protocol
Investigators may use the centralized protocol, Total Cancer Care (IRB# 89989), to procure, process and store biospecimens for cancer research.
Project Coordination
We provide research team meetings and training sessions to define the key procurement activities for each staff member involved in the process.
Informed Patient Consent
The Biorepository coordinators provide consent training to the clinic and surgery staff. They are also available to assist consenting patients as needed. Written informed consent from each donor is in accordance with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regulations.
Consent Management
Consents are validated, uploaded, and linked to the biospecimen collection events using the LabVantage tracking system while following HIPAA regulations and maintaining protected health information.
Blood and Body Fluid Procurement, Processing and Storage
Project specific blood collection kits are prepared and stocked in the clinic and surgery areas. Blood and body fluids are procured, de-identified, processed, stored, and assigned to a registered project using the LabVantage tracking system.
Tissue Procurement, Processing and Storage
We prepare tissue collection kits before the surgery. We transport tissues from the operating rooms to pathology. Surplus tissue is verified for research after the clinical diagnosis. We then de-identify, process, store, and assign the tissues to a registered project using the itBioPath tracking system.
Biospecimen Distribution
Blood, body fluids, tissues, and their derivatives stored in the Biorepository are available upon request. Tissues distributed for research are confirmed by the Biorepository or collaborating pathologist prior to release. Permissions to release specimens may require investigator or group approval.
Please contact us at BMP-Disbursement@hci.utah.edu for requests or with any questions.
Biospecimen Prep/Types
- Blood (whole)
- Blood Panel (Whole Blood + PL1 + BUF)
- Buccal Cells
- Buffy Coat, Unficolled Viable
- Cerebrospinal Fluid
- Consent Management
- Consent Patient
- Disbursement
- Mononuclear Cells (MNC) -CPT/Ficoll, Viable
- Nails
- Paxgene RNA
- Plasma, Single Spin
- Plasma, Double Spin
- Saliva, Oragene
- Serum
- Stool
- Tissue, All
- Urine
Storage/Transport Preps | Temperature Ranges (Ambient, 40C, -200C, -800C, -1350C) |
Freeze | RNAlater® |
Cryopreserve, DMSO or Glycerol | RNAprotect Cell Reagent |
Formalin, 10% NBF to Histology (FFPE) | RPMI |
ICE | Shipping |
OCT | Specimen Acquisition |
Contact Us
BMP Shared Resource Director
Chris Fillmore, PhD
Biorepository Director
Chris Fillmore, PhD
Molecular Diagnostics Director
Nieca Bronson, MS, MLS, ASCP(CM)
Research Histology Director
Meisha Loveless, HT (ASCP) CM
HCI Senior Director Oversight
Alana Welm, PhD
Medical Director
Eric Snyder, MD, PhD
Faculty Advisory Committee Members
Dan Albertson, MD
Nicola Camp, PhD
Howard Colman, MD, PhD
Randy Jensen, MD, PhD
Manish Kohli, MD
Charles Murtaugh, PhD
Douglas Sborov, MD, MS