Lab Members Hosiana Abewe PhD Student Noel Kitchen Lab Manager Krystle Osby PhD student Jake Polaski, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Alexandra Richey MS Student Craig Rush, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Jeffery Vahrenkamp, PhD Research Scientist Alumni Spencer Arnesen Now a postdoctoral Fellow at the Danforth Plant Science Center Kris Berrett Now at T2 Engineering Zannel Blanchard, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Julia Carleton, PhD Now at Mosaic Biosciences Jean-Paul De La O, PhD Now at Myriad Genetics Matt Ginley-Hidinger Now at Moderna Kyle Osborne Now attending nursing school at North Arizona University Cristina Rodriguez, PhD Now a postdoctoral fellow in Chris Gregg's lab, University of Utah Message From the Principal Investigator Jason Gertz, PhD Principal Investigator Follow the Gertz Lab on Twitter @GertzLab Cancer Center Bio Affiliations Breast and Gynecologic Cancers CenterNuclear Control of Cell Growth and Differentiation Cancer Center ProgramDepartment of Oncological SciencesMolecular Biology Graduate Program