Primary Focus: How Cells Modulate Their Behavior
The primary focus of the laboratory's research was examining how cells modulate their behavior in response to both extrinsic and intrinsic signals. This process of signal integration has profound effects on cell migration, morphology, and function—behaviors that, when aberrant, can lead to cancer and other diseases.

Research Topics
Research topics included:
- Mechanisms of cell migration and adhesion
- Cells response to mechanical cues
- Mechanism of tumor progression and metastasis
The Beckerle lab used diverse approaches to study these questions, ranging from studies of individual cells in culture to genetic-based experiments in mouse models.
How This Research Helps You
The Beckerle lab studied how cells move. This information is used to learn how cancer spreads throughout the body, and how to prevent that from happening.
Reagent and Protocol Requests
To request reagents or protocols, contact:
Greg Alushin
The Rockefeller University