ION Getting Started
Prior to submitting a project request, please contact us to ensure that your experiments fit within our parameters and capabilities. Project requests should be submitted at least two weeks in advance to allow time to order needed reagents and plan experiments. Projects that only require the use of ION instrumentation should still submit a project request form. The use of all ION equipment must be scheduled and approved prior to use. Lab personnel should also fill out the user logs provided with the instruments. Please contact us in advance to avoid any scheduling conflicts.
The ION provides stand-alone services and coordinates with existing shared resources. When the ION submits samples to core facilities on behalf of a research group, that group will be charged regular rates charged by the core facility directly.
Available Services
- Nucleic acid multiplexing
- Luminex Magpix-compatible assays: Low volume, high sensitivity cytokine and chemokine analysis
- Mouse and human tumor-infiltrating immunophenotyping
- Mouse and human whole blood immunophenotyping
- Tissue homogenates or viable single cell suspensions
- Magnetic cell separation, depletion, and enrichment (intact or positively targeted)
- T cell suppression assays (macrophage or drug mediated)
- Live cell imaging
- Mouse pipeline: From experiment design to results, we can handle your mouse work needs.
- Human pipeline: We can handle all aspects of your correlation studies, including patient consenting and sample collection.
Consultation and pilot experiments are free for University of Utah researchers. Any additional work is subsidized by Huntsman Cancer Institute so researchers only pay a fraction of the cost.
Companies are welcomed at full rate. Please inquire for custom quotes.
The Immuno-Oncology Network aims to be flexible in expanding to meet the needs of the research community. If there is a service you think would benefit the ION and its users, please reach out to consult with our team.
ION Instrumentation
- Luminex Magpix
- Luminex L200
- gentleMACS Octo Dissociator with Heaters
- autoMACS Pro Separator
- Attune Nxt Flow Cytometer
- Cytek Aurora 5 laser
- Incucyte S3
Contact Us
Matthew VanBrocklin, PhD
ION Core Director
Emilio Cortes Sanchez
ION Core Associate Director