Cancer Biostatistics Shared Resource
The Cancer Biostatistics (CB) Shared Resource provides state-of-the-art biostatistics and research design support to laboratory, translational, clinical, and population sciences investigators at Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI). CB Shared Resource members also develop new statistical methods for use in cancer research. They support cancer researchers by providing didactic and one-on-one mentoring to educate HCI investigators in principles of study design, development of analysis plans, and interpretation of data.
Staff of the CB Shared Resource retain a primary subject matter focus on cancer research and are located in the HCI building. They provide direct on-site access to HCI investigators throughout all stages of the research process:
- Clarification of research hypotheses and study aims
- Assistance in the selection of the most appropriate study designs and outcome measurements
- Sample size/power calculations to evaluate tradeoffs among sample size, power and the minimum detectable treatment effects
- Grant application writing
- Assistance with evaluating existing surveys or developing your own
- Advice regarding data collection methods
- Conduct of statistical analysis on existing data sets
- Guidance to clinical and translational researchers who wish to carry out their own statistical analyses
- Advice on collection and analysis of qualitative data
- Interpretation of results of data analyses
- Collaboration in writing statistical aspects of manuscripts
- When appropriate, facilitating contacts with other methodologists/researchers in the University community
The CB Shared Resource is directed by Ann Chen, PhD, and co-directed by Kenneth Boucher, PhD. CB include faculty and staff with specialized cancer research expertise. Drs. Chen and Boucher are both accomplished biostatisticians; Dr. Chen joined HCI in 2023, and Dr. Boucher has been a Cancer Center member since 1996.
As needed, members of the CB Shared Resource collaborate with colleagues in the Study Design and Biostatistics Center (SDBC), the biostatistics core of University of Utah Health and its National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA)-supported Utah Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI). Through this collaborative relationship, HCI investigators have an extremely broad range of specialized expertise at their disposal—including biostatisticians, epidemiologists, health economists, psychometricians, survey design experts, qualitative research experts, and program evaluation experts.
Contact Us
Cancer Biostatistics Director
Ann Chen, PhD
Cancer Biostatistics Co-Director
Kenneth M. Boucher, PhD
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HCI Senior Director Oversight
Tracy Onega, PhD, MS
Faculty Advisory Committee Chair
David Gaffney, MD, PhD
Faculty Advisory Committee Members
Anne Kirchhoff, PhD
David Lum, PhD
Benjamin Maughan, MD
Benjamin Spike, PhD
Katherine Varley, PhD