PRR - Acknowledgement
Scientists who have made use of the Preclinical Research Shared Resource (PRR) services, training, shared instruments, or reagents should please acknowledge us.
- Why acknowledge us: The existence of the PRR facility depends in part on proper acknowledgment in publications and in grant writing. Proper acknowledgment provides a measure of the value/impact of the PRR and is thus essential for our continued funding.
- When to acknowledge: Any time the PRR provides services, training, or reagents that support your research.
- Where to acknowledge: Scholarly reports, presentations, grant applications, posters, papers, or publications.
- Who else to acknowledge: If your publication includes the use of patient-derived xenografts derived at HCI, please consider acknowledging both the HCI BMP and Research Informatics shared resources. Contact us regarding whether this is relevant to your project.
- How to acknowledge: “Research reported in this publication utilized the Preclinical Research Shared Resource at Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah and was supported by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P30CA042014. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.”
- Acknowledgement updates: Please keep us up to date with any acknowledgements.
“Core facilities must charge for services rendered according to cost accounting practices set up at each institution. Charging for services does not preclude authorship on manuscripts, provided the Core laboratory individual has contributed to the research in a substantial way. (ABRF)”
If a staff member has made a significant intellectual contribution beyond routine sample analysis, please consider co-authorship.
For proper authorship guidance, utilize the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities Guidelines for Authorship on Manuscripts.
Annual HCI Shared Resource Survey
We greatly appreciate any input that will contribute to the ongoing improvement of the Preclinical Research Shared Resource. A simple but important means of providing us with feedback is via the annual Shared Resource Survey. Information gathered from this survey is carefully considered and used to direct changes to the PRR.
Contact Us
Email: prr@hci.utah.edu