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Bench to Bedside 2024: Competition Recap

A year-long effort, the Bench to Bedside program gives students from across Utah the opportunity to dive into the process of health care innovation, and leverage their skills to bring positive change to how we care for members of our communities.

Culminating in the annual Competition Night, teams showcase their hard work to mentors, judges, health care providers, industry professionals, family, friends, and the public under the dome of the Utah State Capitol Building. Offering a chance to interact with the hundreds of attendees, students present their innovative devices and applications before judges submit final evaluations. Once the final scores are tallied, our awards presentation begins, highlighting the success of the winning teams.

Read about B2B Comp Night 2024



C-Blu's blue light colposcope increases the sensitivity and specificity of cervical cancer screening. Colposcopes are a tool used by clinicians to shine a light on and image the cervix when screening for cancer. To decrease high false negative rates, C-Blu has developed a colposcope that uses fluorescent properties of cancerous cells to make pre-cancerous lesions easier for clinicians to identify. 

B2B Grand Prize Winner: C-Blu


SoundPass is a revolutionary ultrasound guidance system designed to offer neurosurgeons live intracranial imaging before and during the critical placement of life-saving external ventricular drains. This represents a huge paradigm shift within neurosurgery and addresses a well-known century-old clinical conundrum that has yet to be satisfactorily addressed.

B2B 2024 Legacy Grand Prize Winner: SoundPass



Grand Prize Runner-up: OrthoBolt


OrthoBolt LLC fills the gaps of the increasing challenges in spinal procedures, particularly in patients with osteoporosis, through the design of an expandable pedicle screw optimized with cutting-edge rotating strut technology. These screws offer optimal anchoring in both healthy and compromised bone, reducing the risk of complications associated with traditional screw fixation methods.

Best in Medicine: Noriscope


NORISCOPE constitutes a flow-based laser diffraction analysis (LDA) system made to be incorporated into routine blood work. Blood samples are pushed through the sample holder as they’re scanned by the LDA, collecting images of passing cells. The images are presented to a trained convolutional neural network which categorizes images into cancerous or normal categories.

Best in Business: CathSecure


The CathSecure product aims to provide a method for a more securely attaching a shunt to a valve during surgical procedures, minimizing the risk of post-operative dislodgment and improving patient outcomes.

Best in Engineering: Electronic Grip Gauge (EGG)


NeuroRobotic Technologies, LLC (NRT) is developing a new fine sensorimotor assessment and rehabilitation tool for the hand, dubbed the Electronic Grip Gauge (EGG). The EGG allows stroke patients to measure and practice their ability to regulate their grip force using a fragile object, a task that the majority of patients struggle with but is often neglected in today’s rehabilitation clinics.

Best in Digital Health: Dream AI


Dream AI is an electronic healthcare record add on that aims to revolutionize the diagnosis of sleep apnea by leveraging modern health record advancements and machine learning.

Patient Safety Technology Challenge Award Winner: Code Clock


A device used to optimize the care and communication among code team members in the setting of a cardiac arrest in an effort to improve patient survival. 

Eccles & Marriott Libraries Award: AdhesioNix


Addressing critical needs in post-C-section care, our innovative solution combats the effects of adhesions, a common complication impacting patient recovery. Featuring a novel tip for syringes, our device creates a consistent barrier between cut tissues, minimizing adhesion risks and ensuring optimal healing. With a simple yet impactful design, our solution sets a new standard in surgical aftercare, enhancing patient outcomes. 

Consumer's Choice Award: T-Scope


A smartphone compatible stethoscope for telehealth visits, enabling health care professionals to better monitor a patient's health remotely.

Click the Teams Gallery Box below to expand the page and learn more about each of the teams in this year's Bench to Bedside competition

  • All teams from the 2024 Bench to Bedside competition listed alphabetically.

    3 Strykes
    ASAP Catheter
    BN Devices
    Code Clock
    Dream AI
    Drip Alarm
    Electronic Grip Gauge (EGG) 
    by NeuroRobotic Technologies
    EpiClip by RhythmoSync
    IBEX Healthcare Solutions
    OscilloCare Pro
    Preparatory Prosthetic 
    by Utah Research Institute
    Silent Speech (fka Gaia)
    SpineHaven Support Chair
    UV Sense
    Ventilation Regulation






    3 Strykes

    Every person deserves the right to quality CPR. Mechanical compressions ensure that each patient receives compressions with the correct depth, rate, and recoil. No currently available mechanical compression device accommodates obese individuals. Our extendable backplate seamlessly integrates with the most popular mechanical compression device available and will allow 4,000,000 more people access to mechanical compressions should they ever need CPR.


    Eccles & Marriott Libraries Award Winner - $5,000

    Addressing critical needs in post-C-section care, our innovative solution combats the effects of adhesions, a common complication impacting patient recovery. Featuring a novel tip for syringes, our device creates a consistent barrier between cut tissues, minimizing adhesion risks and ensuring optimal healing. With a simple yet impactful design, our solution sets a new standard in surgical aftercare, enhancing patient outcomes. 

    ASAP Catheter

    The ASAP Urinary Catheter is an internal, silicone catheter that treats urinary incontinence and urine retention while giving manual control over urination back to the patient.


    The Automatic Electronic Tourniquet (AutoQuet) allows for self-application of a motorized tourniquet to prevent life-threatening hemorrhage. 

    BN Devices

    Patients in post-surgery physical therapy have weight-bearing restrictions. Yet, the tools available for therapists to monitor weight-bearing status are almost non-existent. This impacts the ability of physicians to provide accurate information and patients to adhere to such restrictions. Our attachable weight-sensing system will provide immediate feedback to both the clinician and patient whenever weight-bearing restrictions are exceeded.


    CardioQuake has created the Lithotripsy Inflation Device (LID), an angioplasty inflation device with Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL) capabilities, to address the need to break down calcified lesions in the vasculature. LID uses pressure waves to break up calcified lesions, can be employed with any angioplasty balloon, and is safe and inexpensive.


    CardiULink connectors are connectors for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). They are designed to reduce clot formation in the ECMO system. ECMO is a life-saving procedure where blood is oxygenated and pumped through the body via machinery in the case of heart or lung failure.


    Best in Business Award Winner - $5,000

    The CathSecure product aims to provide a method for a more securely attaching a shunt to a valve during surgical procedures, minimizing the risk of post-operative dislodgment and improving patient outcomes. 


    Grand Prize Award Winner - $20,000

    C-Blu's blue light colposcope increases the sensitivity and specificity of cervical cancer screening. Colposcopes are a tool used by clinicians to shine a light on and image the cervix when screening for cancer. To decrease high false negative rates, C-Blu has developed a colposcope that uses fluorescent properties of cancerous cells to make pre-cancerous lesions easier for clinicians to identify.

    Code Clock

    Patient Safety Technology Challenge Award Winner - $10,000

    A device used to optimize the care and communication among code team members in the setting of a cardiac arrest in an effort to improve patient survival. 

    Dream AI

    Best in Digital Health Award Winner - $5,000

    Dream AI is an electronic healthcare record add on that aims to revolutionize the diagnosis of sleep apnea by leveraging modern health record advancements and machine learning.

    Drip Alarm

    Gravity Intravenous (IV) infusion procedures are an important part of patient care but don’t receive full attention in these hectic environments. Improperly administered fluids through this procedure can lead to a plethora of adverse effects. We have created an affordable, easy-to-use device that will alarm patient care staff when fluids are not being administered properly through gravity IV infusion.

    Electronic Grip Gauge (EGG)

    Best in Engineering Award Winner - $5,000

    NeuroRobotic Technologies, LLC (NRT) is developing a new fine sensorimotor assessment and rehabilitation tool for the hand, dubbed the Electronic Grip Gauge (EGG). The EGG allows stroke patients to measure and practice their ability to regulate their grip force using a fragile object, a task that the majority of patients struggle with but is often neglected in today’s rehabilitation clinics. 


    EpiClip is a novel epicardial pacing wire designed to increase caregiver ease of use and patient safety. While traditional pacing wires attach to the heart using sutures, EpiClip uses a clip fixation mechanism to avoid tissue puncture. This will reduce the incidence of cardiac tamponade and need for re-operation following device removal, while allowing faster and easier placement and removal.

    IBEX Healthcare Solutions

    An innovative, new solution for treating neonatal jaundice around the world. Engineered with flexibility, ease of use, and efficacy in mind, the Ibex Biliswaddle will provide access to life-altering phototherapy treatment for millions of infants all over the globe.


    The dangers of opioids are well known. However, 1 in 5 people in the U.S. are still prescribed opioids every year leading to over 14 million people experiencing some form of overdose. N0DE revolutionizes medication prescriptions with the PADD device. This clinician prescribed locking drug dispenser offers end-to-end drug abuse protection, prescription reminders, and comprehensive data communication.


    Best in Medicine Award Winner - $5,000

    NORISCOPE constitutes a flow-based laser diffraction analysis (LDA) system made to be incorporated into routine blood work. Blood samples are pushed through the sample holder as they’re scanned by the LDA, collecting images of passing cells. The images are presented to a trained convolutional neural network which categorizes images into cancerous or normal categories.


    OcuGuide is an LED-based gaze fixation device that directs the patient’s eye movements and stabilizes fixation during surgery. This noninvasive device reduces the need for invasive manipulation of the eye, complex verbal cues, and general anesthesia. OcuGuide ultimately offers the values of reduced stress and improved experience for both the patient and physician, reduced surgery time, and safer surgeries.


    Grand Prize Runner-up ($10,000)

    OrthoBolt LLC fills the gaps of the increasing challenges in spinal procedures, particularly in patients with osteoporosis, through the design of an expandable pedicle screw optimized with cutting-edge rotating strut technology. These screws offer optimal anchoring in both healthy and compromised bone, reducing the risk of complications associated with traditional screw fixation methods. 

    OscilloCare Pro

    The OscilloCare Pro offers a solution for better placement of bone oscillator devices used during hearing tests used by auditory healthcare professionals to evaluate hearing sensitivity and detect any hearing loss issues in newborns and infants.

    Preparatory Prosthetic by Utah Research Institute

    An upper-limb transradial preparatory prosthetic, designed to be fitted to an amputee 12 to 36 hours post-surgical amputation, reducing the time for the patient to begin adapting to prosthetic use.


    RemNeuro is a comprehensive neurological examination system that allows for performing essential and key elements of the neurological exam allowing it to be reliable and objective. The standard practice neurological examination is highly subjective and unreliable especially when conducted over telehealth. RemNeuro allows for improved quality and convenience of in-person and virtual assessments, removing friction and subjectivity.


    Saccavi alleviates the need for a supplemental procedure and/or additional surgical sites to harvest graft materials. Because Saccavi is autologous (sourced from the patient's own blood)it is extremely safe. Through trials with Osteoactivin we have evidence that Saccavi can increase bone formation, reduce healing time, and reduce inflammation.

    Silent Speech

    People with severe speech disorders need the ability to communicate verbally with those around them. Our product uses advanced biosensor and AI technologies to translate anyone's subvocalizations into speech

    Skin Savvy

    Skin Savvy is an app designed specifically for outdoor workers who spend the majority of their time exposed to harmful UV rays, to mitigate the risk of skin cancer-related fatalities in their population.


    Legacy Grand Prize Winner - $15,000

    SoundPass is a revolutionary ultrasound guidance system designed to offer neurosurgeons live intracranial imaging before and during the critical placement of life-saving external ventricular drains. This represents a huge paradigm shift within neurosurgery and addresses a well-known century-old clinical conundrum that has yet to be satisfactorily addressed. 

    SpineHaven Support Chair

    The Spinehaven suspended traction chair is meant to help you and everyone else with back pain in the most convenient way available.

    Tooth Treats

    ToothTreats was designed to establish good oral hygiene habits at a young age, decrease dental treatment costs, and increase the quality of life for children through a fun interactive device using positive reinforcement.


    Consumer's Choice Award Winner - $2,500

    A smartphone compatible stethoscope for telehealth visits, enabling health care professionals to better monitor a patient's health remotely. 

    UV Sense

    The very first step to effective skincare is protection from harmful ultraviolet radiation overexposure. Through the development of an ultraviolet radiation-detecting wearable sensor that works in parallel with users’ smartphones, individuals will be able to wear the UV Sense device anywhere on their body to stay informed of their sun exposure and understand their limits.


    VasoVibe is a novel approach to intravascular lithotripsy, using a proprietary piezoelectric mechanism to break arterial calcified plaque and improve outcomes compared to other approaches. Our solution tackles industry wide problems at an affordable price, set to improve outcomes for millions of patients worldwide.

    Ventilation Regulation

    Our team is proposing the Ventilation Volume Control, which is a device that will measure tidal volume delivered to a patient via a Bag-Valve-Mask. This device will aid EMS first responders and other medical providers in delivering accurate and safe ventilation volumes to patients.